Saturday, 2 November 2013


References from Wikipedia,

Tiramisu is an Italian dessert. It has layers. This consists of coffee-soaked Savoiardi biscuits and of mascarpone cheese, eggs and sugar.

Savoiardi biscuits is the Italian name for lady fingers which are made of sponge.

Mascarpone cheese is an Italian cream cheese. It originated in Italy, in an area South of Milan. It was invented in the late 16th/early 17th century.

Eggs are as old as time. They are made by chickens. Chickens were tamed in the Middle East.

There are different types of Tiramisu which can contain Irish cream, rum or another alcoholic alternative.

From youtube, how to make the food above.


References from Wikipedia,

This is a German dish that is usually made of pork. It can also be made of veal. There are different types of schnitzel in Germany. Some of these are Jägerschnitzel, Naturschnitzel, Rahmschnitzel, Vegetarisches Schnitzel, Wiener schnitzel and Zigeunerschnitzel.

I am going to tell you about Wiener schnitzel, which is Austrian.

This is a veal schnitzel which has been battered and fried.

Veal is nearly the same as beef but it is from a baby cow.

Flour is made from wheat which is one of the oldest forms of food. Since it is so old it is hard to find where it started from.

Breadcrumbs are made from bread which is made from flour which is made from wheat. So we have come full cycle.

There are eggs in the batter also but who can tell what came first, the chicken or the egg but chickens were tamed in the Middle East.

From youtube, how to make the food above.


References from Wikipedia,

Paella is a rice dish that comes from the east coast of Spain. Though people think this is Spain’s national dish it is locally thought as a dish specific to Valencian, a region in Spain.

There several types of Paella; seafood paella, Valencian paella and mixed paella.

In Valencian paella there is white rice, meat (duck, rabbits, chicken), beans and good old salt and pepper. You can add more ingredients but these are just the basics

Rice can be grown anywhere as long as there is a lot of water. It is still mostly found in Asia and Africa though.

Ducks are related to swan and geese and can be found in both fresh and sea water.

Rabbits like to live in grassy areas with most of them living in North America.

Though chickens were tamed in India it is unclear where they are from but they are definitely found worldwide today.

Beans originated in the Middle East but over time became one of the staple foods of our diet today.

From youtube, how to make the food above.